Spider Control Huntsville AL

Our team of exterminators specialize in spider control in Huntsville Alabama. We remove all the spiders inside your house then we prevent new ones from getting inside.

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Dane’s Pest Control: Spider Control Service

1. Spider Inspection

There are many different species of spiders in Huntsville so determining what species you have is crucial in developing a treatment plan. We begin by inspecting hotspot areas inside the home like closets, garages, attics, utility rooms, behind and under furniture, kitchens, and other secluded areas where spiders may be hiding. We then inspect the outside of the home checking areas like eaves, windows, doors, hose attachments, ac units, sheds, garages, gardens, mulch beds, foliage, bushes, trees, patios, outdoor furniture, garbage cans, mailboxes, and any other areas that might be a good place for a spider to hide. After this we inspect where spiders may be entering your home, we check doors, windows, cracks, crevices, and any other possible entry points on the house. Once we identify what kind of spiders you have and how they are getting inside we develop a treatment plan to get rid of your spiders.

2. Spider Treatment

Our spider treatment starts inside the home where we focus on removing any spiders that have already made it inside. We use a combination of sprays and traps in order to get rid of any spiders. We focus on all the rooms paying special attention to secluded areas like under furniture, near boxes, closets, and any other areas that spiders can hide. Once we finish inside we move to the outside of the home. We begin by sweeping down any spider webs on the home then treating those areas and any other potential nesting sites to prevent return. From there we treat all the possible entry points spiders may be using to get inside your home like windows, doors, cracks and crevices. We also form a barrier around the foundation of your home to prevent any spiders from trying to get close to the house. Finally we treat any potential nesting sites around the property like mulch beds, trees, around wood piles, rocks, tall grass, and other areas that spiders may be hiding.

3. Spider Prevention

Spiders like most pests never leave for good. So if you have had spiders inside your home before then likely they will come back. Because of this we perform prevention services to stop spiders from coming back. We use the same treatment methods from our spider treatment service on a quarterly or bi-monthly basis to keep your Huntsville home spider free.

How Spiders Get Inside

Most spiders that you see inside your Huntsville home have come from outside of your house. Spiders fall under the category of occasional invaders because many of them do not want to live inside your home, they just enter by mistake looking for food and water. Over the years of treating spiders in Huntsville the number one most common place spiders enter inside homes is through gaps in the front door. Bad door seals create the perfect entry for spiders to enter inside your home. For them this tiny gap is a small secluded spot that prey could be hiding in so they are eager to enter. Look at the bottom corner of your doors and if you can see sunlight through a crack then this is an easy entry point for a spider. Spiders will also enter through bad seals on windows and garage doors. Another very common entry point for spiders to enter is through your weep holes. These are the small gaps around the foundation of the home that allow the home to breathe. These openings are the perfect place for spiders to enter. If you live in a newly built house in Huntsville then this is most likely where spiders are entering your home. Other common entry points that spiders use to get inside your home are, ac unit connections, eaves, crawl space doors, and other cracks and crevices on your home. Most spiders enter from outside the home, but some spiders are brought inside the home like brown recluse spiders. These spiders are often brought into homes unintentionally through items like boxes, furniture, plywood, and firewood.

Spider Infestations

Although most spiders don’t live inside your home there are some that do, like brown recluse, house spiders, and cellar spiders. These spiders are known to hide in areas like basements, attics, closets, cabinets, under furniture, windowsills, corners, behind wall hangings, boxes, and damp areas like bathroom and kitchen cabinets. Cellar spiders, brown recluse spiders, and house spiders all feed on small insects, with cellar spiders even consuming other spiders caught in their webs. Brown recluses subdue prey with their venom, while house spiders catch insects that wander into their webs. Cellar spiders reproduce year-round, while brown recluses breed primarily in warmer months. House spiders reproduce quickly and can lay multiple sacs throughout the year, especially in warm environments. Each species can thrive indoors if ample food and undisturbed spaces are available.

Spider Bites & Health Risks: Symptoms, Dangers, and Prevention

There are 3 types of poisonous spiders that are common in Huntsville: the black widow, brown recluse, and brown widow. The black widow’s venom is by far the most toxic and can cause severe symptoms like muscle pain, abdominal cramps, nausea, and even breathing difficulties if bitten. In rare cases people are known to even lose all control in their legs, leaving them unable to walk for short periods. The brown recluse’s venom can cause localized tissue damage, resulting in necrosis, and in rare cases, systemic reactions like fever and chills. The brown widow, a relative of the black widow, is less aggressive but still capable of delivering a venomous bite. Their bite can lead to pain, muscle cramps, and other symptoms. While bites from these spiders are typically not fatal, they can be dangerous, especially for young children, the elderly, and those with compromised immune systems. Prompt medical attention is essential if you are bitten from any of these spiders.

Dane’s Pest Control

We take pride in serving 1000’s of homes in North Alabama. We use the latest techniques and products to deliver an effective service while also being pet and kid friendly. No matter the pest or rodent problem, rest assured that we have a solution for your Huntsville home. If you are looking for pest control near you then look no further than our team here at Dane’s Pest Control!

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