Ant Control Huntsville AL

Technician is performing an ant control service in huntsville. He is spraying the home for ants.

Our team of exterminators provide effective ant control solutions to eliminate and prevent ants from entering your Huntsville Alabama home.

Get Rid of Ants & 30 Other Pests Starting at $33/Month

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Dane’s Pest Control: Ant Control Service

Our ant control service consists of 3 steps in order to remove and prevent ants from your Huntsville home. 

1. Ant Inspection

 Our ant pest control service starts with a detailed inspection of your property. We’ll begin by focusing on areas where ants have been seen, such as kitchens, bathrooms, and other common areas inside the house. Outside our inspection covers every corner of your home to locate potential entry points or nesting areas. We then extend our inspection to the yard and property, examining typical nesting spots like wood piles, mulch beds, under landscaping stones, around crepe myrtle trees, and along sidewalks and driveways. Once we identify the species of ant and their nesting sites, we will create a targeted treatment plan to effectively resolve your ant problem.

2. Ant Treatment

 Our ant treatment process can vary greatly depending on the species of ant and what time of year it is. We will commonly use a combination of spray, bait, and granules to get rid of ant infestations in Huntsville homes.

3. Ant Prevention

Once you’ve eliminated an ant infestation, there’s a high chance they’ll return, as ants tend to reinfest the same areas. That’s why having a proactive ant control plan is essential to keeping them out of your home. We offer quarterly or bi-monthly ant prevention services, tailored to your needs. Our service creates a protective barrier around your home that ants cannot penetrate, and we also treat areas where ants are likely to nest or forage for food. With our prevention service, we aim to stop infestations before they even begin, giving you long-term peace of mind.

Signs of an Ant Infestation

If you’re concerned about a potential ant infestation in your Huntsville home, here are 6 common signs to help you determine if ants have invaded.

1. Ant Trails

Ant pathways are trails where ants travel, often in a single file, but they can sometimes be 5 to 6 ants wide. The larger the trail, the bigger the infestation is likely to be. Ants use pheromones to create scent trails that guide other ants from the colony along the same path. These trails are primarily used to gather food and return it to the nest. You’ll often find ant trails around the foundation of the house, leading indoors. However, some trails can be in more hidden locations, such as tree branches leading to the roof, along rain gutters, under concrete, or in other discreet areas around the property.

2. Discarded wings

Reproductive ants, known as alates, shed their wings after mating. These discarded wings are often a clear sign of ants nesting somewhere in your Huntsville home. To spot these signs, check areas such as window sills, doorways, baseboards, and near vents, as these are common places where alates may leave their wings behind.

3. Ant Nests

The difficulty of finding ant nests varies by species but it is a crucial part of having a successful ant control service. For example, fire ant nests are easy to spot—look for red mounds in your yard, around concrete, or near buildings. Carpenter ant nests are harder to find as they build inside damp, damaged wood, often hidden within your home. To check for carpenter ants, inspect the wood around your house and gently poke it with a knife blade. If you see hollowed-out tubes or notice ants crawling around, it could indicate a carpenter ant infestation. Other species, like odorous house ants and Argentine ants, typically nest in the ground or under rocks and debris. These nests are often hard to locate, but you can follow ant trails back to their source or lift debris to check underneath. These ants can also build nests inside homes, which are harder to find. Pavement ants build small nests in the ground between concrete gaps, which are marked by small mounds of soil pushed up through cracks in the concrete. Being aware of these different nesting habits can help you spot and address an infestation before it grows.

4. Carpenter Ant Wood Damage

Damaged wood is a common sign of a carpenter ant infestation, though it can be hard to spot since these ants burrow inside, often leaving the surface intact. However, certain signs can help you detect their presence. Carpenter ants are highly attracted to wet or rotting wood, making it a strong indicator of their presence. Start by inspecting areas that are frequently exposed to moisture, such as eaves with leaking gutters, window sills, deck boards, and wood near the foundation of your home. Any spot that consistently gets wet or has poor drainage can become a prime nesting site for carpenter ants. Another sign of a carpenter ant infestation is the presence of frass. Carpenter ant frass resembles sawdust and is typically found near areas where the ants are tunneling.Unlike termites, carpenter ants do not eat wood; they excavate it to build nests. This process leaves small piles of frass near the infested wood. You can also identify a carpenter ant infestation by checking for hollow-sounding wood. If tapping on wood produces a hollow sound, it may indicate that carpenter ants have tunneled through and hollowed out the interior. Another way to detect carpenter ants is by listening for them at night. Carpenter ants are most active after dark, and you may hear faint rustling or scratching noises coming from within the wood they infest. These sounds are caused by the ants moving around and working inside their tunnels. If you see any of these signs of carpenter ants make sure to call an exterminator immediately before the infestation causes more damage.

5. Fire Ant Mounds

Identifying a fire ant infestation is often straightforward due to the distinctive mounds they create. While fire ants nest underground, their mounds protrude above the surface. These mounds can vary in size, ranging from just a few inches tall and wide to over a foot high and as much as 5-6 feet wide. Fire ants build their mounds using loose soil, and in Huntsville, Alabama, where the soil is primarily red, you can expect the mounds to have a reddish color as well. Fire ant mounds usually don’t have visible entry holes on top because the ants use underground tunnels. Most of the fire ants within a colony are nesting under the ground. Oftentimes multiple fire ant mounds spread out in your yard can belong to the same nest of fire ants. Fire ant mounds are usually found in open, sunny areas like lawns, pastures, gardens, and along sidewalks or driveways. They may also build nests near the foundations of homes or buildings. The nests can also appear under logs, rocks, or even inside wall voids. Another very common spot we find fire ant mounds are next to electrical boxes. If you find a fire ant mound in your yard it does not mean that it will be there for long, fire ants commonly relocate their mounds due to flooding and other disturbances. If you find fire ant mounds in your yard be very careful and avoid them as fire ants can cause serious injury.

6. Foraging Ants

An easy way to tell if you have an ant infestation in your Huntsville home is by spotting foraging ants. These ants are sent out by the colony to search for food and water, and they can appear just about anywhere in your home. They are commonly found in kitchens crawling on the counter or near open food. They can also be found in bathrooms or utility rooms if there is water available. Even if you only see one or two ants, this can indicate a larger colony nearby.

Common Ants in Huntsville AL

There over 170 species of ants in Alabama. Lucky for you our pest control service in Huntsville covers all species of ants that you will encounter. 

Argentine Ants

Argentine ants are known for creating long trails entering Huntsville homes. These trails can often be up to 5 to 6 ants wide. These ants range from light to dark brown, are about ⅛ inch long, and sometimes have a black tip on their abdomen. They prefer moist nesting sites, such as under rocks, logs, mulch beds, and often indoors. 

Odorous House Ants

Odorous house ants are the most common ant species we encounter when doing ant control in Huntsville. These small ants are about ⅛ inch long, and are uniformly black or dark brown. They earn their name from the strong odor they create when they are smashed. This odor is similar to blue cheese or rotten coconut. Odorous house ants frequently trail inside and around homes in search of food and water. They often nest in walls, insulation, window frames, electrical sockets, under toilet seats, in mulch near houseplants, beneath stones and logs, and in cracks in patios.

Sugar Ants

Sugar ants are common pests in Huntsville, often invading kitchens and pantries in search of food. These tiny ants are typically light brown to black and measure about 1.5 to 3 mm in length. As their name suggests, sugar ants are particularly attracted to sugary substances. They often form trails to food sources like sweets, syrup, or even spilled drinks. They are often found on countertops, in cabinets, and along floors, especially near food storage areas. While they don’t build large mounds, sugar ants can nest in cracks, walls, or behind appliances in homes.

Fire Ants

Huntsville is home to two species of fire ants: the red imported fire ant and the black imported fire ant. Both species build mounds and deliver painful stings which are slightly less than the pain of wasps and hornets. Red imported fire ants have a reddish-brown body with a dark brown abdomen, while black imported fire ants are either black or reddish-brown. Fire ants vary in size but typically measure between ⅛ and ¼ inch long. You can often spot them in yards, mulch beds, around concrete areas, and near homes, with their distinctive red dirt mounds that come in various sizes.

Pavement Ants

Pavement ants are common pests found infesting Huntsville driveways and sidewalks. These ants are dark brown to black with light-colored legs and a shiny abdomen, measuring around 2.5 to 4 mm long. Pavement ants typically nest in concrete cracks, where they build small dirt mounds along the edges of sidewalks and driveways.

Carpenter Ants

Carpenter ants are commonly found infesting decks, patios, and houses. These ants are typically black or dark brown, with some species showing reddish tones, and they can range from ¼ to ½ inches in length. Carpenter ants excavate smooth tunnels within wood to create their nests. You may find them nesting in damp or decayed wood around homes, including walls, window frames, decks, and other wooded areas.

Common Questions About Ant Control

How much does ant pest control cost?

  • Ant control services start at $33 dollars a month

How long does it take to get rid of ants?

  • It usually takes 1-3 days to get rid of an ant infestation

Is ant pest control safe for pets?

  • Yes our ant pest control service is safe for kids and pets

Get rid of ants today by calling our Huntsville Ant Experts! Call Us at 256 795-6590 or contact us online now!

Ants are one of the most common pests found in Huntsville Alabama. There are 170 species of ants in Alabama alone! If you need ants removed from your home then call or text Dane’s Pest Control today for a fast, effective, and affordable ant treatment.

Owners of Dane's Pest Control standing in front of service vehicle after completing a pest control service

Dane’s Pest Control

We take pride in serving 1000’s of homes in North Alabama. We use the latest techniques and products to deliver an effective service while also being pet and kid friendly. No matter the pest or rodent problem, rest assured that we have an exterminator service for your Huntsville home. If you are looking for pest control near you then look no further than our team here at Dane’s Pest Control!

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