Earwig Control Huntsville AL

Our team of experienced exterminators provide earwig control solutions to eliminate these pests and restore your peace of mind.

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Dane’s Pest Control: Earwig Control Service

Our earwig pest control service covers earwigs and 30+ other pests. We start the service by treating inside the home using a combination of sprays and traps to get rid of the earwigs already inside. From there we treat the foundation of the house creating a 6ft barrier to prevent any new earwigs from entering the home. We also pay extra attention to doorways, windows, ac units, and other gaps where earwigs can enter. Finally we also treat in the yard focusing on mulch beds, trees, leaf piles, and other potential earwig nesting sites.

What Are Earwigs

Earwigs are common pests in Huntsville Alabama but most people do not know what they are. Below is some information to help you understand more about earwigs.

Earwig Identification

Earwigs are common in Huntsville homes, and their intimidating appearance makes them seem scarier than they are. There are many different species of earwigs but the only species we have in Huntsville is the European Earwig (Forficula auricularia Linnaeus). These scary looking bugs are most noticeable because of their pincers located on their butt which are called cerci. Earwigs are usually dark red-brown or black, ranging from 5 to 16 mm in length. They have long, flat, slender bodies, resembling a teardrop or carrot shape, with six legs and thread-like antennae shorter than their bodies. Some earwigs have wings, but they rarely fly. Those with wings have two pairs, with short, hard forewings protecting the hind wings.

2. Earwig Diet

Earwigs are opportunistic feeders who will eat just about anything they can find. They feed on other insects, like aphids, mites, springtails, sow bugs, as well as insect eggs. Earwigs are even known to be cannibalistic, sometimes eating other earwigs. Earwigs will also consume decaying plant material found in mulch or under wet leaves, but they also eat healthy plants like seedlings, flowers, and fruit trees. Earwigs will also feed on animal matter, including pet feces and dead animals. They are also attracted to human food scraps like bread, fruit, meat, pasta, candy, and other easily accessible leftovers.

3. Earwig Habitat

Earwigs prefer to live in moist, dark, and warm environments. They will most often spend their time under leaves, debris, and in the cracks and crevices of tree trunks, rocks, and mulch. They can also be found in grasses, wooded areas, under potted plants, and on plants, particularly in buds and folded leaves. Earwigs cannot survive in cold temperatures, so they burrow underground to hibernate during winter. Earwigs will also seek shelter indoors. Inside, they’re drawn to damp areas such as bathrooms, kitchens, and basements. They tend to hide in cracks and crevices and may even climb walls or ceilings.

4. Earwig Behavior

Earwigs are primarily nocturnal meaning they come out at night. During the night earwigs emerge from their hiding spots to search for food. This behavior helps them avoid daytime predators like birds and lizards. During the day earwigs seek shelter in dark damp areas such as under leaves, rocks, and mulch, or in cracks and crevices.

5. Earwig Pincers

Earwigs use their pincers (cerci) primarily for defense and communication. When earwigs are threatened they have similar behavior to peacocks. They will raise their pincers up in the air to appear larger. If an intruder doesn’t back off, earwigs may use their pincers to pinch, but the pinch isn’t strong enough to harm humans.

The pincers also help earwigs fend off other small predators like spiders and other insects. Earwigs will use their pincers to establish dominance during social interactions and mating rituals with other earwigs. Male earwigs have more curved and robust pincers which they use to compete with other males for mates.

6. Earwig Reproduction

Earwigs provide maternal care to their eggs and young which is very unique in the insect world. The reproduction process starts when a female lays 20 to 50 small, white eggs in a secure area like under debris, in soil, or inside cracks. Once the eggs are laid, the mother will carefully guard and protect them from predators and environmental threats. She even cleans the eggs to ensure their safety and development. After the eggs hatch, the female continues to care for her nymphs, which are tiny versions of adult earwigs but lack fully developed wings and pincers. During this stage, the mother feeds her young and protects them from harm. The nymphs will stay with the mother for several weeks to receive nourishment and shelter until they are mature enough to venture out on their own.

How Earwigs Get Inside

Earwigs are categorized as occasional invaders, meaning they typically stay outdoors but may enter homes while searching for food or water. Earwigs are only about 2mm wide, so they can easily squeeze through tiny gaps in your Huntsville home. The most common entry point is right through the door. When door seals go bad they create a tiny gap that earwigs can easily walk through. Cracks in garage doors and windows are also prime entry spots. The moisture around AC units is particularly attractive to Earwigs. So it is common that they will enter through holes where the AC unit connects to the house, then they will follow the electrical cords all the way into the living spaces. Another common entryway is through weep holes, which allow airflow, but also give earwigs easy access inside. Ensuring all seals, door gaps, and entry points are secure can help keep earwigs from finding their way inside your home.

Common Questions About Earwigs

Are Earwigs Dangerous?

  • No earwigs are harmless insects.

Do Earwigs Bite?

  • No earwigs do not bite or pinch humans.

Do Earwigs Come Back?

  • Yes, earwigs do return quickly when the conditions allow them to live.

Dane’s Pest Control

We take pride in serving 1000’s of homes in North Alabama. We use the latest techniques and products to deliver an effective service while also being pet and kid friendly. No matter the pest or rodent problem, rest assured that we have a solution for your Huntsville home. If you are looking for pest control near you then look no further than our team here at Dane’s Pest Control!

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