Earwig Pest Control

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Spraying For Earwigs

Dane’s Pest Control

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Dane Pest

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Get rid of Earwigs today by calling our Huntsville Earwig Experts

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Earwigs can be problematic pests in Huntsville. While their bites are not typically dangerous, they can cause discomfort and irritation.  These insects are adaptable and can be found in a variety of environments both inside and outside homes. If you are experiencing issues with earwigs, don’t hesitate to contact us for effective solutions to mitigate their presence and ensure a more comfortable living environment.


Earwigs Species In Huntsville AL

What are Earwigs

Recognizable by the pincers extending from their abdomen, they possess a dark brown hue, an elongated and somewhat flattened body, segmented antennae, and two pairs of wings. Although earwigs seem scary and dangerous they pose no threat to humans or pets. Despite the menacing appearance of their pincers, earwigs are incapable of causing harm to humans, and despite their name there is no evidence to support the notion that they attempt to lay eggs in human ear canals, though anecdotal reports suggest such occurrences.

Typically active during the night, earwigs seek refuge in small, dark crevices during the day. They have a varied diet, consuming both plant and animal matter. While they do not pose a direct risk to human health, earwigs have been known to inflict damage to crops by feeding on leaves, flowers, and fruits. As weather conditions change, earwigs may invade homes in search of food, water, and warmth, often congregating in dark, damp areas such as kitchens, garages, basements, and yard debris.

How Earwigs Get Inside

To thrive, earwigs actively seek out sources of food, water, and shelter. They maneuver through small crevices in your home’s foundation and exploit openings around windows, doors, vents, and utility pipes. These potential entry points are often created as door and window seals degrade over time, leaving small gaps for earwigs to infiltrate.

The inadvertent introduction of earwigs can happen when bringing in boxes, items from the garage or shed, or leaving other items outside and bringing them back inside the house. Once inside earwigs will search for food and water inside the home. Commonly searching in areas like the kitchen and bathrooms. They also will hide in cracks in crevices inside the home when sleeping.

Preventing Earwig Infestations

Seal Entry Points:

  • Inspect and seal any cracks, gaps, or crevices in your home’s foundation, walls, and around windows and doors. This helps to limit potential entry points for earwigs.

Weather Stripping:

  • Ensure that doors and windows have proper weather stripping to eliminate gaps that earwigs could use to access your home.

Proper Ventilation:

  • Maintain good ventilation in attics, basements, and crawl spaces to reduce humidity levels, as earwigs are attracted to moist environments.

Outdoor Lighting:

  • Earwigs are attracted to light. Consider using yellow insect-resistant bulbs in outdoor lighting, as they are less appealing to earwigs.

Landscaping Maintenance:

  • Keep the exterior of your home well-maintained. Trim vegetation, shrubs, and trees away from the structure to eliminate potential hiding spots and pathways for earwigs.

Remove Attractive Habitats:

  • Clear away piles of leaves, mulch, and other organic debris near your home, as these can provide ideal hiding spots for earwigs.

Eliminate Moisture Sources:

  • Fix any leaks promptly, both indoors and outdoors, to eliminate sources of standing water that might attract earwigs.

Storage Practices:

  • When bringing in items from the garage, shed, or other storage areas, inspect them for hitchhiking earwigs. Consider storing items in sealed containers.


  • Keep your living space clean and clutter-free. Regularly vacuum and dust to eliminate potential hiding spots for earwigs.

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